Morning J.O.Y. 21 Day Devotional Series


The MORNING J.O.Y. 21-day devotional series provides the reader with a consistent lifestyle of preparing for days filled with Jesus JOY.  Each day in each book gives encouragement followed with action steps designed to assist you in planning for a day filled with J.O.Y. EVERYDAY!!!!

The J.O.Y. Plan
JESUS -How you will strengthen your relationship with Jesus
OTHERS -How you will bless and encourage Others
YOU – How you will bless Yourself

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These books are dedicated to the Best Moderators in the Land, for their faithfulness to the mission of spreading J O Y wherever they are.  I am so thankful for the Divine connections The Lord saw fit to bless little ole me with. People with BIG hearts full of God’s Love and Jesus J O Y. The many mornings when they were tired, they pressed their way to share their gifts with those that were called to join us.  Their efforts will always be appreciated from the bottom of my heart!!!

Thank you Thank you, Thank you!!!

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Devotional Volume

21-Day Devotional v.1, Devotions from the Soul v.2, Nursery Rhyme Devotions v.3, Entire Devotional Series


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